Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Proud Parent Moment....

Kathy Grove is our church administrator. She has been with Sherman Bible for a very long time. She is dear to all of us....anyway, a couple weeks ago, Kathy's husband, Mike was in a motorcycle accident and had to be airlifted to the hospital. The other night we were praying as a family. We had been praying for Mike, because he had not woke up yet. The doctors were unsure of any brain damage. Frank, myself and Hannah had been praying for him since the accident happened a few weeks ago. We told hannah we had received some news that Mike had finally woken up and mouthed "I love you" to Kathy. When we told hannah the news, she bowed her head and she began to cry.

It was a sweet moment, as I realized the influence we have on our daughter how important prayer is. Here she is, ten years old, and we were praying about serious issues. The fact that she cared so much, as she had been praying for Mike, a man whom she has never met. She was able to experience God answering prayers to some serious issues. Her sensitive heart is something we are so thankful for... and her relationship with God we are even more thankful!

1 comment:

Lynda Lou Who said...

You probably won't be surprised to hear I got all choked up when I read your post. LOL. Hannah has such a sweet tender heart for others and sure does love Jesus! You & Frank have every reason to be very, very proud of her!!! <3