Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Four Less Teeth....

Hannah had four teeth pulled on Monday afternoon. Needless to say, she pulled through like a trooper. I have to admit, I was scared for her...but Dr. Harris said she did so well...in fact, he had already pulled three before she asked if he had pulled any yet! Thank goodness for laughing gas! She had some pain afterwards, but it went away. She's so cute now, as she covers her mouth with her hand when she smiles, because she is not happy with how she looks. We, of course, think it is so sweet. Love that kid!


Doris Maples said...

She's still a cutie!!!

Melissa said...

Oh it's a cutie pie! :) But i don't like dentist either so i understand she don't like it :D

Anonymous said...

got your mouth full hannah